Our original SAS itinerary included a port in Morocco but it was ultimately cancelled due to Covid. It was one of the ports I was most looking forward to, so Anna and I convinced her mom to go to one final country prior to flying back to the States.
I had an afternoon flight out of Amsterdam through Paris to Casablanca. I met Anna and her mom (Kelly) in the Paris airport. When we arrived late in Casablanca, we looked around for the car that was sent for us by the hotel but failed to ever find it. I eventually called the hotel and it turns out they never sent one, even after they confirmed it. We ended up getting a taxi, but it was certainly not a reassuring start. The ride was about an hour long, we arrived at the hotel around 10 pm. Anna and I felt nasty from the day of travel, so we decided to work out at midnight. Then, we made use of the hotel pool, swimming for a long while until about 1:30 am (classic mermaid session). We did not have an early day the next day, so we didn’t mind. We also had a lot of catching up to do, even though it had only been a week since we'd last seen each other.
