The 8:30 morning pick-up for our Montserrat tour came too soon! Anna and I slept the entire one-hour van ride up the mountain on each other’s shoulders. The tour took us to see the famous Montserrat monastery and cathedral. The mountain holds a cave where the original black Madonna was discovered over a 1,000 years ago. The landscape, views and grounds were great to visit.
Back in Barcelona, we tried to get a late lunch at Brunch & Cake but were only able to get takeout before they closed for the afternoon siesta. Afterwards, we picked up a few books for our downtime on the ship. Much later, I asked Siri to flip a coin for “should we go out tonight, our last night Barcelona.” Siri said no, so we played cards and drank more Cava.
Spain highlights:
• My grandma had a drink each day (she says that is more drinks than she’s had in the last 30 years total)
• Taking my 18-year cousin clubbing for the first time, getting free VIP tickets, and not losing my cousin!
• Crepes every day! Buying my grandma some special chocolate.
• The tango instructor suggesting I leave “more private space” between my partner and I during our dance lesson, making me the subject of many jokes.
• My poor white pants had to be washed many times - the first time a result of my confusion over a white napkin and my pants of the same color. It wasn’t until I had finished the guacamole that I realized I was wiping my hands on my pants instead of the napkin - and I’d done it multiple times!
• My mom answering the Airbnb door when a neighbor knocked at 10pm to tell us to be quiet – I was playing cribbage with my grandma! And the bar below us stays open until 3am.
• Knowing that I don’t need to try Iberian ham again.
• On the last morning, Anna’s question after only a few hours of sleep, “So, how cool is this Montserrat mountain, Megan?”
• My cell phone finally working!
Next port – Gibraltar. This one-day stop was added while we were in quarantine. Our future ports do not have Covid limits for cruise ships, so hopefully no quarantine will be required for Portugal, France, and Scotland.
