We arrived very early in Copenhagen Denmark around 8 am. The authorities required us to meet them face to face before stamping out passports. This prosses took a bit of time. We were finally allowed off the ship around 11 am. I immediately headed to my hotel, Zleep. I made Anna and Isa take the metro again. The metro is very nicely set up and very clean as well. I was pleasantly surprised.
After we checked into the hotel and dropped our bags, I headed to meet my ship family for brunch at Mad & Kaffee. Ship families was something you could sign up for at the beginning of the voyage and it paired students with LLLs (life long learners). My ship mom is the cutest older lady, she had been on five SAS Voyages in her life. We would meet once every stretch at sea to play games and just talk about our frustrations. I met my family at the location, but the rest of the group took almost two hours to arrive. Thank goodness the wait for the table was long. My ship mom, Susan, apparently is not a good traveler - she forgot her purse and did not know how to use taxis. We are unsure how she makes it back to the ship every port. The brunch food was very good, and I think we all laughed the entire time, mostly at our mom, she’s really funny. Susan bought us lunch after we taught her how to use Apple Pay. We took a family photo outside after the lunch and I showed a couple of them how to use the metro so they could get Susan back to the ship.
After lunch, I walked to meet Anna and Isa in a coffee shop nearby. We left the coffee shop quickly after I found them to head back to the hotel. After changing and relaxing for a bit, we headed out to our dinner reservation. On the way out of the hotel, Anna showed us her gloves she had bought in Greece and had not used yet. We were laughing so hard because they reminded Isa and me of the Gru in the Minion movie. We took the metro to the main part of the city for dinner. We walked past the postcard street of Copenhagen on the way, Nyhavn. The dinner was at a burger place across the river from Nyhavn. After dinner we headed home to relax for a bit. On the way home we stopped at a grocery store. Anna got prunes and a ginger wellness shot. I got dark chocolate and red wine. Isa got two bottles of wine. If that doesn’t describe each of personalities, I don’t know what does. After reading and laying down for a bit, we got dressed to go out for the night. We went to a club my friend from Copenhagen recommended. We did not stay long just because we headed out so late. On the way home, we walked past a 7-Eleven and I got a cous cous salad that was honestly so good. We called it a night when we ran into a group of very drunk SAS kids.
