So long story short - for field classes we have a time we need to be back to the ship. We cut it very close last night. We literally ran through the terminal and made it with 5 minutes to spare. Ashvi took a funny video of the moment.
Woke up for breakfast this morning before leaving for a field class. The breakfast kinda sucks. The eggs they make are the fake watered downed eggs. I don’t recommend them.
After breakfast we quickly changed and headed to meet our class before leaving for the program. We had a quick bus ride to the venue. While at the venue we listened to five local businesses owners talk about what their businesses do. The speakers were a little boring - lots of students fell asleep.
After a couple hours we headed to lunch. On the programs, food is included in the price. My professor sat at the table with us. It is funny to have lunch so casually with your teachers. Everyone was throwing around swear words. It was cool to get to know him. The food was pretty good overall, they had great pitas!
After lunch we had a mini tour of Limassol. We stopped at a couple shops along the main street. The owners came out and told us about their shops. One was so cute - he wanted a picture with all of us. He then printed off a photo for each one of us with the time stamp! Sooo cute. We also met another business owner that was a couple. They opened a new business during covid and the business was thriving due to people working at home.
After meeting the business owners, we saw the Limassol castle. It was very small and was never actually a castle, so not sure why it is named that. After the castle we got back onto the bus to head back to the port. Once back at the port, I called home while i had wifi then got back onto the ship.
We will dock in the next port, Dubrovnik, on February 1st!