Started the day off early and headed straight to the train station to go the the ruins. For some reason, we didn’t need to buy a ticket, the station worker said to just get on. So we did.
When we arrived at the ruins, we headed in, after a coffee stop. Pompeii ruins were so cool! I want to go back again, they are still currently uncovering parts of the city. Hannah had already been so she was our personal tour guide. (Attached are some pictures and explanations). I found the history so amazing. To think that people walked on those same streets in 79 AD, is so mind blowing.
After we spent over 2 hours inside we headed towards the restaurants outside, had some more Italian food, more pizza and pasta, then headed back on the train.
Once we got back we all kinda just relaxed. Traveling and hauling multiple 50 pound bags along with is a challenge. I am ready to get on the boat tomorrow (I just have to test negative one more time). Tomorrow is going to be another long haul to the boat terminal. I am riding along with others from my abnb so I will end up being 3 hours early to the port. Hopefully it runs smoothly, I am excited and nervous for the day ahead.
Pictures below:
- Waterfront villa (the richest people lived in villas). The ocean came up to this villa during the time Pompeii was thriving. Also fun fact all the flat roofs caved during the eruption however the curved/domed roofs stayed.
- Original painting from women's bath area
- Government building/gathering area for important people.
- Original tiles to an entrance of a villa.
- Leaves that fossilized in the wall of old entrance to Pompeii during the eruption.
- Wall inside villa. The image is actually of lead in the wall. They used lead for pipes and insulation in the richest homes.
- More ruins within the city (the city and ruins go on forever).
- Main government building in Pompeii.
- Richest man in Pompeii's man cave (last photo). Yes, the rich people had rooms just for the men to gather.
More random photos on me throughout the day! We found some more SAS people while walking around.