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Coffee on Desk

Safari Day 1 - July 18th

Writer: Meg Meg

We woke up early as we had longer to drive to reach the reservation/park. Had a quick breakfast, again, and hopped right on the bus. When we arrived onto the land we meet with our guide company and got right into the Jeep like cars. Their is 7 people to a car so all the collage age girls got on one and Amanda’s family and the high school girls got onto the other. Once we where on and our luggage was loaded we headed off for our first day of safari. The first animal we saw was the empala, Africa’s version of deer, they travel in large groups, the group we saw first only had about 40 though. We next saw some giraffes, they are so cute, and zebras! Fun fact about zebras, their stripes our like our finger prints each zebra has a slightly different pattern. Then we went to the watering whole and saw hippos! They are funny animals, but apparently very mean. Each year more hippos kill people than anything else on Safari. Then we finally saw elephants!! They where far away though I really was to get closer to the elephants, hopefully on the next two days we can. We then found a male lion, which is rare so I’m happy we saw one! We then started to make our way to the campsite place we would be staying at for the next two nights. The ride took a while, we saw some animals on our way, lots of hogs and empala, hundreds at a time. When we arrived at camp I was a little skeptical, but once I saw how we are clamping, fanciful camping, I was so excited. After taking time to figure out of tents we headed off to dinner, it was the best food I have had all trip. I am a little scared to sleep over night tho as we are not fenced off or anything and the game can easily pop out on us.



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