The entire ship had an early morning as the passport officials came onboard at 7:15am to check and stamp everyones passport in person. The process took about 1.5 hours. We got off the ship pretty quickly after that and headed straight to the train station in Greenock, Scotland where we hopped on the first train to Glasgow. The train ride was filled with all kinds of students from our ship. The locals were definitely confused. Once we arrived in Glasgow, we switched platforms and got on a train for Edinburgh. We arrived in Edinburgh around 1 pm. We could not check into our airbnb yet so we sat at a coffee shop (Zebra Cafe) for a bit.
After a while in the coffee shop we left to check in to our place. It was not what was pictured on the website. It was also not very safe, anyone could walk directly into the building. The only separation was a wooden door that could only be locked from the inside. We set our stuff down, hoping it would be there when we got back, and went to the castle because we had tickets to go inside at a particular time. As soon as we could, we all sat down on a bench and searched hotels availability nearby and found a much better place to stay. We walked around the castle for a bit before heading back. On the walk back, we saw a local playing his bagpipes in a kilt. It was definitely a true Scottish experience.
Once we arrived back at the airbnb, we grabbed our luggage that was thankfully still in the place and headed to the place we had just booked. The new place was so cute and much safer. We got settled and Isa and I headed out for some drinks. The bar we went to made all kinds of fun drinks. They even had drinks out of mini looking bongs, which we of course ordered cause it looked fun. We got some finger food while we drank and waited for Anna to join us.
After a while in the bar, we headed out to attend a Van Morrison concert. The concert was at Edinburgh Playhouse. It was a small venue so the music sounded great. We waited around to hear Brown Eyed Girl then left. We were the youngest people in the concert by far.
After the concert, we stopped by a bar near the hotel. The drinks we ordered were the size of our faces. The bar practically kicked us out after an hour cause we were the only ones left in the bar. We called it a night after that.
