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Coffee on Desk

Ship Days - travel days to Cyprus

Writer: Meg Meg

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Blogging while on the boat gets slightly boring given it's not too exciting. So I’m gonna do smaller summaries from now on!

Day 1:

Woke up late today, we did not have global studies. The new students that got onto the ship had ordination instead. I loved it because I got to sleep in however, I still had my second class. We had no quiz today, good thing because I forgot to read the textbook.

After class I got lunch, kinda disappointed today. I was excited for the sweet and sour chicken. After I ate, I headed to the library to get started on my first paper of the semester. It is a long paper reflection on the field class, so good thing I started early. After sitting in the library for a long while, I went to the gym. I like working out on the boat it gives me something to do during the day. After the gym, I went back to the library.

Worked on my paper for a bit longer then headed to dinner. After dinner, I went to the card club. I played phase ten with some new people I met. There was so many people in the small little room where the club met. After the game ended, I headed back to my room to watch a movie and just relax. I ended up watching two movies then went to bed.

Day 2:

Went to global studies this morning after waking up to see the boat pass Mikonos and Delos. After global studies, I headed to my second class of the day. We talked about our experience in the field class. The class went the entire time with us talking about the paper due and what to write. After class, I headed to lunch as my stomach was making nosies all class, oops.

After lunch, I spent about two hours reading textbooks for my next class. After I read for a long while, I decide to head to the gym. The gym was the busiest I had ever seen it today. After a quick workout, because lots of people where waiting, I headed back to my cabin. I started to read more for classes but got bored and moved locations. I sat on the deck for a while reading. While outside the ship passed Santorini - I saw the airbnb we stayed in! The sun was also setting at the same time, it was very pretty.

I had to leave the sunset early to head to my last class for the day. During class, I was very active and talking a lot, I usually never say anything. I like the classes on the ship because they are small and all discussion-based. Anyways, after class I headed to dinner and then went to a friends room to play a game. After the card game, I went to meet my roommate at the dance club. I participated for like 20 minutes - it wasn’t pretty!

I then headed to the library to plan the next port, Cyprus. There were so many people doing the same thing so the computers were very slow and a bit frustrating, so I did not really get anywhere sadly. But I have an idea of what I wanna do while in port. After the library a found a friend and got more food. For some reason, I was so hungry today. After watching some interesting shows on the boat TV, I headed back to my cabin to go to bed.

Day 3:

Woke up and went right to class this morning. We had another pop quiz. I got 100% this time though. After class, I headed straight to lunch and then chilled outside for a while because the sun was out. I then headed to the library to book a hotel for our next port in Cyprus.

After booking, I headed to the gym. It was packed so instead I just did a little workout in my room, then showered and did some homework and finally headed to the writing center to have them look over my first paper.

After dinner, I went to the library to look at booking more things for Cyprus. After a while, I just gave up because nothing was loading then had some alone time and watched a movie before going to bed.

Day 4:

The boat was very rocky last night. I slept well though. Went to class morning and then lunch. The ship was hella rocky today. Fortunately, I did not get sea sick.

After lunch, I went to the library to meet my group for a presentation. I waited for three hours for them to show up. Turns out one of them is not even on the voyage anymore. I spent the rest of the day doing homework. I then headed to my last class for the day. Class went by quickly.

During dinner, they made an announcement that they canceled two of our ports. We will no longer be going to Morocco or Ireland. We will only be going to 12 countries. Denmark will replace Ireland. Instead of Morocco we will get extra days in Spain and Portugal. I am a bit upset about the last minute change. Morocco and Ireland were two ports I was so excited about. It is unfortunate, but it is the reality of Covid today.

Day 5:

I set an alarm to wake up for breakfast, I did not. Instead I slept until class time. Had two classes today. In my second class, I had to give a speech. We only had two days notice, but it turned out pretty good. After class, we all had to get a PCR Covid test. The test results do not come back right away. So the entire day has been a day full of what ifs. I ate lunch outside as the weather was so nice - it was sunny and not windy. It seemed like the entire ship was on the deck!

After the sun disappeared, I went to workout. For the first time on the ship, I had the room to myself for a while. After people started coming in I left. I went back to my room to shower and shave in anticipation of disembarking tomorrow in Cyprus! 🇨🇾

Then I went to the deck to watch the sunset. It was a pretty sunset! After the sunset I went to dinner which was ehhh then back to my room to watch another movie.

As I was finishing the movie, an announcement came over the loud speaker at like 11:45 pm saying check seamail for Covid tests. I saw nothing and freaked out and then immediately remembered that they send nothing if you are negative. It was a huge sigh of relief!

Overall, I have been feeling a little bit down these last couple days. I have started to get a little homesick. However, I am excited to be able to get off tomorrow and be busy seeing the world's beautiful creations.



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