January 25
Went to bed at 9pm last night. I was so tired from the days in country. I woke up just in time for my morning marketing class. I was getting frustrated during class though because my computer hasn’t been working well - I keep getting the spinning circle of death. But anyway after class, I went to eat lunch. The lunch was actually good today. I ate a lot in anticipation of the dinner being bad. :)
After lunch I did some homework, then headed to work out. I like working out on the ship because it keeps me busy and not thinking all the time when I’m bored. I then showered and headed to the library to do more homework. I have a busy week of school assignments and quizzes ahead. I worked on homework until my night class. We had another pop quiz in class, I did good this time though!
After dinner (which was not great as expected), I had some alone time for a bit before I headed to game club. We had a big group playing taboo. I am so bad at it but it was fun! I don’t know if the ship just makes me tired or what but I headed to bed early again.
January 26
Woke up for global studies this morning right before class started. Grabbed some coffee then headed to class. After, I went straight to my next class. I actually very much enjoyed my entrepreneurship class today. We had a life-long learner (other students on the ship) come speak to us about the business he started which was very interesting.
After class I headed straight to lunch and then to the library to get started on another group project. After a while of working, I headed to the gym. The gym wasn’t too busy today. I love working out looking at the ocean, it is amazing. I am so lucky.
After a bit more time in the library, I headed to my room to get ready for a fancy dinner! It was a friend's birthday so we went to the nice dinner. I then headed back to my cabin to watch a movie required for a class and called it a night. I get a bit lonely on the ship. I have too much time to just think, and that doesn’t go to well for me.
Jan 27
Slept in this morning and did not go to global studies. They did not take attendance today so all is good. Woke up right before marketing. After class, I went to lunch on the deck. It was so beautiful today. The sun was shining! I laid in the sun for almost two hours - it made my day :)
After a while in the sun, I went to watch a documentary for my class, watched another movie with my roommate, and then went to dinner.
Jan 28
I did not have class this morning so I slept in. Instead of class we were supposed to watch the movie I had watched yesterday. It was nice to wake up and go straight to lunch.
Sat in the restaurant for a while talking to random people, then headed back to my room to braid my hair before another Covid test. I tested negative again. It was busy today in the gym and I had to wait a bit before I got to enter (Covid rules). I headed to the back deck to sit in a chair and do homework. It's my new favorite spot - it is so peaceful to watch the waves behind the ship. After about an hour, I got cold so I headed back inside to warm up before watching the sunset. It was really windy so we only stayed for a second then headed to dinner.
After dinner, I kinda just walked around for a while before heading to the union. Tonight they had an open mic night, so lots of students got up on stage to sing and dance. I love listening to live music especially when some people are sooo good. I was smiling under my mask while listening!
After the open mic, we sat in the union for a bit before we headed to the back deck to join the star gazing club. I sat outside on the deck for almost three hours. It was so peaceful and I was so very happy.
Jan 29
Slept in till almost 12:30 today. It was a study day, so no class happening. It felt nice, I probably did not need the sleep though. Once I woke up, I headed to lunch then to my facial. My acne has been a mess due to the mask wearing so the facial felt nice.
I listened to some music before heading to an event called "extended family." You basically get assigned a ship family. You get a life-long learner as the “parent” and then about six students. I loved my ship mom. She had been on four voyages before, so cool. She works as a nurse for her career and shared some cool stories with us. That was very exciting and I can’t wait till we have our next family meeting.
I braided one of my friends hair before heading to the library to study where I didn’t get much studying done. Instead I played card games and chatted with people.
I had dinner with my RD. She's so nice and I’m excited to get to know her more! After dinner, I headed back to my cabin to change and to the deck to study. A friend and I studied for a couple hours for our exam the next day. I think we will do well :) I then headed back to my cabin to watch a movie before bed. Ashvi, my roommate, and I started a series on the TV and it is actually very interesting. But after an episode we called it a night.
Jan 30
Woke up just in time for class today, it's becoming a theme. We had an attendance quiz in global studies today where I surprisingly answered most of the questions correctly. After global studies, I headed to my marketing exam which I think went ok.
After the exam, I headed up to the deck to eat lunch and sun tan for a bit. We played cards for a couple hours. My face actually got a little bit burnt. After a couple hours, the ship started moving where we passed by Corfu and Albania. It was gorgeous, I wanna see more of Albania. Eventually it got a bit windy but I didn’t wanna sit inside so I went to workout instead where the view is just unmatchable.
I chilled for a bit before class, listened to some music and made a little room tour view for social media. After my final class of the day, I headed straight to dinner, my stomach was literally making noise in class. The dinner did not have any dairy free options so I opted for plain chicken. I walked around for a while and ended up in the lido terrace play some games with people I had not met yet. My friends eventually came up and played with us as well.
Another one of my friends walked in and taught me euchre!! The two guys were on a team and the two girls on the other. They said let's play assuming it would be a quick victory for them An hour and a half later, the girls took the dub! After snack time, I found some of my other friends and headed back to my cabin to hang with them before finally calling it a night.
Jan 31
Normal ship morning today - I woke up just in time for class. We docked the ship early this morning at 7am due to high winds so I woke up to see Croatia! I took a banana and a coffee to go for global studies. Class was interesting today - we learned about Croatian food and the phrases we need to know for in port.
My second class today felt like it was three hours long - it was so boring. After class, I headed straight to lunch which had good food options today. I then headed to the pool deck to look closer at Croatia. It is beautiful, I am so excited to get off tomorrow! I stayed outside for a bit until I got too cold when I headed inside to clean and play some music. After a while, I went back to the deck with my blanket before heading to the gym for a quick workout.
I met two friends for dinner where I brought my Nutella so I was happy. We played Catan for a while before we had to head to the pre-port meeting. After the meeting, there was a PJ party in the union. Anna and I put on cute little PJ sets for it. They had some coloring sheets so naturally we colored the entire time. After the PJ party, I headed back to my room to pack for the in port days! I also called home before calling it a night :)
Side note: you may be wondering why am I going to class on Saturday and Sunday. Days of the week do not matter. On ship, it is a school day no matter the day. Makes the off ship days more enjoyable with no class!
